Peggy Barker, MS, ATP
Peggy Barker, MS, ATP, has worked as an Assistive Technology Consultant in Northern California for 30 years. She addresses the use of assistive technology (AT) for people with physical disabilities and severe speech impairment to increase their independence in schools, jobs, out in the community and in their homes.
- Consultation to schools with special education students to assist with the use of technology for educational access (California Dept. of Education Non-Public Agency certification)
- Individualized assistive technology solutions (assistance with evaluations and implementation) for assistive device control, augmentative communication, computer access, power mobility, environmental control and assistive devices integration
- Vendorized by Regional Center
- Certified by RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) as an Assistive Technology Provider (ATP)
- Presentations and workshops on the implementation of assistive technology solutions
- Based out of Santa Cruz, CA serving in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Alameda, and Santa Clara Counties
Email Peggy Barker for more information.